As far as I am concerned, i believe that during this murder attempt...IMO...the secret service ...BLEW IT AGAIN !
1) they should have scoured the surrounding wooded areas..the motivated, would be killer..... was in his hide for about 12 hours.
2) Thy should have had a drone in place, patrolling from above the perimeter and other vulnerable roofs etc.
3) If they have no drone, I'm sure some drone pilot in the area, would dfurnish the service ! ..And do it free is the secret service chiefs are too stingy.
4) The "crap for brains' shooter, almost got away. The secret servicve is darn lucky that some alert citizen snapped a photo of the shooter, his car
and license plate. Were this not so, he would probably be in some non-extraditable country by now !
5) Sure, the shooter was in a wooded hedgerow..but FLIR units are available and in use...a warm body gives off a picture in daylight, dark and
foggy conditions.. My son has used them.
Secret service, still not worthwhile..