I rarely comment upon music, since it plays such a small part in my life, but I have come up with an idea, which for me..explains the changes
that have taken place in my lifetime.
Pop music of the 30s through the 50s, was a soothing, comforting sound...while starting in the 60s it has seemingly become more raucous, year by
Here's my idea..am I right or wrong?
Back in the 30s through 50s...most people worked hard, most at heavy labor and longer hours, so when they had time to relax and slow down, the
pace, they wanted soothing, comfortable sounds to go with it.
Conversely, since the 1960s and the automation of many tasks, hard physical work has become less common...so more tense music was needed to
work off the unused energy.
Then too, with the "welfare society", where some folks do little more than lay around...fast moving music was needed, to work off the unspent
In both of these situations where little labor is expended, the problem has only been exacerbated, so even wilder music is needed.
Encapsulated.. hard work, soft music... little work.. harsh, music.. OK..tell me if I am off-base..