So you ask...what for ? I say....for stealing the 2020 election !
If they had not stolen that election, Pres Trump would have been forced to trudge on with the inferior cabinet members and appointees..which
Rino/ deep staters, badly advised him to put in place.
By stealing that election, Trump was given the opportunity to come back and serve another term... without those creeps.
Not only that, but the leftists were so encouraged by their theft, that they figured they could just do it in all following elections...
So they went crazy, placing their Commie, stupid designs in place.... from what they thought was an inpenetrable tower.
Those 4 Biden years with the nutty left going full bore, was enough for any thinking voter to realize just how good Trump and MAGA was,
which explains the recent election mandate.
So, go ahead and thank the first Commie, trans, homo Democrat you meet.. I'm sure he/she/they opr them, will thank you !