Yes, Major European nations have banned popping hormones into kids, or chopping off their private parts.. ..And the continent is not alone, as the UK joins in ! So, have they suddenly started to believe REAL science? Well, we might hope so, but it goes deeper than that.. Can you guess why?
Here's the skinny; Europe and the UK both boast of their government provided health care, and this health care includes the chopping of
tender parts as well as the "counselling" to convince the kids of their need for such surgery, and the lifelong need for continued hormone and
occasional surgeries. ....Plus almost guaranteed need for psychological help, for all their remaining days.
..A further "coincidence"... the medical facilities that do the counselling, also collect the money for the cutting and continuing hormones and
treatments, for as long as needed. Go figure.. If this madness continues, it will break their health care system, in which they take such pride.
The same of course, is a tremendous drag upon our own, semi-governmental health care system. If millions or billions of health care dollars
are going to this deranged gender syndrome..was that CEO murdered the other day, as an indirect result ?
Now that the demonrats have introduced this deranged idiocy into the military, how much will be drained off our VA health care, to provide
coverage for these clowns?
BTW...Pete Hegseth is determined to root this madness out of our military, which is the obvious reason they are fighting his nomination so