Appointed to DEI forum while on active duty, he served as eyes and ears for common sense people like MAGA..
With 400 hours combat flying, and sharing those stresses and danger with all colors/ethnicities of fellow airmen, he was not about to welcome
DEI..knowing it was a bunch of crap ! It's about time some other folks GREW UP, and quit playing stupid "victim games"..
His words, from the article;
"What was most ominous—shocking, even—is that commission members seemed not to understand the implications of their recommendations for combat troops. The military’s emphasis on color blindness was rooted in the logic of combat: When men and women of different races and religions are fighting alongside each other, focusing on their differences only harms unit cohesion." ..And that is a declaration,most lefty politicians eithewr don't..or can't understand.
A confirmed Trumpster, he will be running for congress..