How about one saying: "Take drugs and help clean up the gene pool!"
This is exactly what I mean guys! While I can feel sorry for those already hooked, ridiculing the user to a position of the village idiot, may justy keep
some young folks thinking of trying some dope...may just keep the,m from doing so. In that case, it would be worth it !
Perhaps if they showed the teeth of aregular meth user, along with their scabby may convince some.
Perhaps some personal testimonies of some folks who went from a sports or theatrical star, only to lose their wife, kids job and respect ?
Whosoever we can keep from that pit, will be well worth it.
The countries which harbor the cartels, rotten as they are,do have one trivialpoint, in that drugs are not being forced upon people...they gladly
buy them..
With any product, it is a matyter of.... supply vs demand ! We as a country should be doing just such a campaign, by doing our best
to cut the demand side..