Was in the new Bucees in Amarillo today and watched a store manager try to reason with a dumbass that brought his mutt into the store. He was from somewhere up north and yelling at the top of his lungs that it was a "service dog" and he could take it anywhere he pleased. The dog had on a collar, and a leash. He was a mutt.
Well, he soon found out he was mistaken and was kicked completely off the property. The manager was black, polite, and professional, explaining that in Texas you'd better have written proof of service certification and that dogs weren't allowed in this store.
I grew up around family members that were WWII veterans, Korean veterans, and have friends, and family members that were Vietnam veterans, that didn't need a dog to validate their existence. I have gulf war friends, and a 40 year old son with 3 combat tours that don't need a dog 24/7 to cope with life.
If you can't go into a grocery store, or restaurant, and function with some normality for a few minutes to an hour, without your mutt slobbering, and shedding all over the grocery store, or eatery, you don't need a dog, you need institutionalized.
I understand folks loving their dogs, but everyone else doesn't have to. You want respect for your service, whether it be military, or first responder, then respect the people around you, and keep the dog out of stores selling food. And no, I'm not talking about seeing eye dogs for the blind. These are the exceptions.
BTW: I am totally responsible for the content of this rant.