Modern man, civilized man, has lost his "native eyes". If they do not step into the path of a taxi or Transit Bus while staring at their iPhone, or die falling over a precipice trying to take a "selfie", they have "survived" to face another day's harrowing adventures.
Wanderers, "natives" they are called, indigenous people, "savages" by "modern standards". In their own land they know everything they must have, must find, can eat, can't eat, the location of fresh water, and edible, inedible, and medicinal plants.
They invent detailed and intrinsic maps in their minds for directions. They navigate day or night, from place to place, by stars, moon, and sun.
They know every animal and bird and it's track, where it breeds, know which animals are "easier" to catch, where and when to find eggs to gather, fish to catch, employ handcraft and simple methods for catching them, and honey to gather.
They know "how" to catch them, preserve them, and importantly, which animals to leave alone to avoid being sickened or killed, with or without provocation. Such knowledge is the native's life blood and the essence of their survival.
Good stuff to know, which most modern men have forgotten. One SHTF event will likely kill 90% of modern men, iPhone or not.