Author Topic: Bondi is late  (Read 191 times)

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Offline gypsyman

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Bondi is late
« on: February 25, 2025, 01:41:01 PM »
 Pam Bondi is stalling. Said she would release the JFK files, and Epsteins list. Keeps putting it off, and several congressmen are starting to get pushy, and I don't blame them. Just a hunch, but I'd bet there is more information that the deep state is really worried about people finding out the real truth. Hope she does it soon.
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Offline scattershot

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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2025, 03:48:19 PM »
Just keep in mind that Gislaine Maxwell’s suicide is scheduled for the day after the release. Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2025, 04:27:31 AM »
  Idon't doubt butBondi as to check many angles before publishing.  I'm thinking tat some names are better protected legally than others, and
  if she is to publish the entire list, a closer examination may be in order.

  In the JFK assassination papers... it's been over 60 years, so how does a couple months one way or the other, make a difference ?
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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2025, 01:36:05 AM »
Pam Bondi talking to Watters about the Epstein files. Coming out soon.
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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2025, 01:50:11 AM »
An FBI whistle blower has alerted Kash of files being destroyed on the servers. Potentially some could be related to Epstein.

Whistle blower is interviewed.
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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2025, 03:01:36 AM »
Bondi'a letter to Kash.  Might have to copy and paste the link.


Dear Director Patel,

Februazy 27, 2025
Before you came into office, 1 requested the full and complete files related to Jeffrey
Epstein. In response to tllis request, I received approximately 200 pages of documents, which
consisted primarily of flight logs, Epstein's list of contact~. and a. list of victims' names and
phone numbers.
I repeatedly questioned whether this was the full set of documents responsive 10 my
request and was repeatedly assured by the FBI that we had received the full set of documents.
Late yesterday, l lea:metl from a source that the FBI Field Office in New York was in possession
of thousands ofpages of documents-related to the investigation and indictment of Epstein.
Despite my repeated reqwts, the FBI never disclosed the existence of the~e files. \Vhen you
and I spoke yesterday, you were just.-as surprised as J was to lea,rn this new information.

By 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, February 28, the FBI will deliver the full and complete Epstein
files 10 my office, including all records;documents, audio and video recordings, and materials
related lo Jeffrey Epstein and his tlieiits, regardless of how such information was obtained.
There will be no wilhboldings or limitations to my or your access. The Department o'f Justice
will ensure that any public disclosure of these files will be done in a manner to. protect the
privaey-ofvictirns and in apcordanec with·law, as I have done my entire career as a.prosecutor.
I am also directing you to conduct an immediate investigation into wby my order to the
FBI was not Yo~ will deliver to me a compreh~ive report of your findings and
proposed personnel action within 14 days.
I appreciate your immediate anen1lon to this important matter. I know that we are both
committed to transparency for the American people, and I look forward to continuing to work
with you to serve our President and our countey.
s· cercly,
ela Bondi
Attorney G
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2025, 03:04:27 AM »
Bondi'a letter to Kash.  Might have to copy and paste the link.


   Didn't work? Try this...
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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2025, 06:27:54 AM »
Its without a doubt, that people within the FBI are not wanting the files released to Bondi. Who knows how many of the files have been already destroyed. Of course we have knew this during the Biden regime that much of the Epstein island happenings were being hid from being known. I believe Bondi is doing her very best to get this information released. Its hard to imagine the road blocks she has encountered. 
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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2025, 01:55:41 AM »
Another thought on this subject.

That GOP majority? It’s REDACTED
By M. Walter
To say yesterday’s “big reveal” of the Epstein files was a bungle is too kind.  Ms. Bondi evidently knew late the night before that SDNY (Southern District of New York) had lied to her about the nature and quality of the “files on her desk” yet she a) let the suspense drag out until well after lunch time, and b) sent her hand-chosen messengers out for a photo-op with binders full of… nothing new.

She had to know what she did to these people.  She made them look like fools.  And yet none of them are hacked off at her.  Amazingly, they are all putting out defenses of Ms. Bondi.

It must have been some meeting.  Maybe they had lunch.  I’ve heard the White House meatloaf is legendary.  Maybe it was meatloaf day.

Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse, who has documented his displeasure with Ms. Bondi thoroughly (and this writer has no quibble with any of it) sees 2028 machinations in all of this, since many of the same people who were involved with DeSantis 2024 (and Cruz 2016) were those chosen for this… debacle.

It’s hard to see how any of this reflects well on anyone, but one thing it might’ve done, and this may explain a lot, is keep certain Republican representatives or certain Republican senators safe in their seats.

Did Attorney General Bondi get a gander at some names and have a word with President Trump?  “Sir, if I keep my promise and release this, you can kiss the House and Senate goodbye.”  And along with it, his presidency, because as sure as the sun rises in the east, Democrats (and even some RINOS) will move to impeach (and, this time, convict) Trump the second they get the chance.

So there is the possibility that Ms. Bondi fell on her sword yesterday.  That’s the best possible shine on this mess, and frankly, I have my doubts, but it needed to be said.  When you’re dealing with a one seat majority in the House and only three in the Senate, this has to be a consideration.  To believe otherwise is to believe that not one of the 200+ Republicans in the House was ever caught with his pants down.  The only question is, was he caught with his pants down on an island in the Caribbean?  And is his name in that file on the Attorney General’s desk?  One must have similar concerns across the Capitol in the Senate.  They’re a randy bunch….

So, we shall see.  But in the meantime, we maintain our majorities… for now.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Bondi is late
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2025, 07:07:03 AM »
  Give it time...wait a bit and see what transpires...  There are many files/reports wew have been waiting many years to see, a few more days won't be
    the end of the world..
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