The Biden administration seemed to be full of dirty tricks which they pulled while leaving. You have heard the story about "t0ssing gold bricks off
the Titanic" haven't you? Looks like they killed millions of chickens late in Biden's term, so as to raise the price of they had something to "crow" about !
Well; I and others see the slaughter of millions of chickens ..because of bird just another manifestation of the "gold bar" trick.
since the killings were ordered by dept of ag IG Phyllis Fong..for Dec 2024 and Jan 2095.
If you recall, Phyllis had to be evicted from her office by the Trump administration. So, was it really necessary to kill millions of chickens?
Think a bit...Bird flu can infect ALL species of birds... so, if bird flu is so contaigous as to require killing so many domestic chickens, then why don't
we see whole flocks of crows, sparrows, pigeons, ducks, geese and quail, lying dead all over the place ?