Author Topic: biggest pos ever as a congressman  (Read 50 times)

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Online Lloyd Smale

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biggest pos ever as a congressman
« on: Yesterday at 02:46:06 AM »
my vote may surprise you as there is many to choose from the wacko left. my pick is that pos mitch McConnell. nothing worse than a traitor and cry baby. pissed at trump so he votes with the democrats every issue when we already have a slim majority. truly a man with no friends on either side thats selling himself out hoping to get a pat on the back by ANYONE. to me that makes him worse than aoc, shumer, shiff, sanders and pelosi combined!! at least they might believe in what they vote for. mitch is just like a little boy jumping up and down because momma wont give him one of bidens ice cream cones.

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Online DDZ

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Re: biggest pos ever as a congressman
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 05:31:50 AM »
Mitch should be in a nursing home instead of on the congressional floor. Even when he was in his right mind he voted with democrats. 
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Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: biggest pos ever as a congressman
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 07:54:24 AM »
McConnel is the type of politician who gave Washington the ridicule it gets now.

He was a Rino before the name existed; a basic speaker of blah, blah, blah lies at election time and a worthless piece of human debris the rest of the time.
I remembe fifty years ago when I subscribed to both  left wing and conservative magazines.
The left wing one had the same , the sky is falling BS, they blather out now; the Conservative one just wanted me to send money to some politicians I never heard of a thousand miles away.

The crap that goes on now was no longer a surprise, and expected to a degree, for many decades now