There are no ads on this site. I'm no computer whiz but if you are seeing an ad on a site that has no ads I'd say you likely have something following you from some other site.
This site has zero ads and zero ad income, it is paid for out of Matt's pocket, sometimes from my pocket and what ever donations members make.
Can you tell me what sort of ad it is?
Well..... that is not true anymore.
Just wanted to address the ads you might be seeing.
Yeah—I added Google Ads to the site. It’s not something I ever planned to do. When we brought GBOReloaded back, I said there wouldn’t be ads, and I meant it. But times are tight, and I’ve been covering the cost of the site out of pocket since 2019. It runs about $65 a month, and while we’ve had a few donations and monthly supporters (thank you), it hasn’t been enough to keep it fully self-sustaining.
So no, this isn’t about making money. It’s about helping the site pay for itself so we can keep it going for the long haul. First day of ads brought in $3—not life-changing, but it’s a start.
If you don’t want to see them, use Brave or a browser with an ad blocker—I do, and I don’t see a single one. Logged-in users will see minimal ads. Most of the ad revenue will come from non-logged-in traffic, and that’s fine by me.
Nothing else is changing. The site is still here for the same reason it always was—because it matters to me, and it matters to a lot of you.
Appreciate the support over the years.