That would be a wise move in my opinion. They are good guns. My understanding, and I don't know when this happened, they were ASM and are now Uberti. Yes, they did change importers. Also, the Dakotas have brass grip frames. The next step up is the Hartford. A few dollars more and they are all steel. They also have the Hartford Premier which has real case hardening, not just a chemical coloring. More money of course. Also come with action work and fancier grips. They also have at that price point what they call the Great Western II. These are not a remake of Great Westerns. They have the hammer mounted firing pin. Everyone that has said anything about them say they are great. And these are made by Pietta! They have one in that series called the California(n) which are more in line with the Dakota price. Not sure what the differences are in that one. My only EMF was a Uberti 66 clone and it was great. They seem to get the best from each importer that they can.