mag41vance, Actually I have been thinking along similar lines of a much larger forearm than stock, but with a different bedding technique. I prefer to see how the gun/barrel shoots bedded from the action to the stock screw, then freefloated past that. I think the extra weight will help the guns, as well over time more success has been had free floating barrels rather than full length bedding them. You can always add bedding, but removing it is a pain. I have done that (full length bedded the barrel channel) on bolt rifles with soft stocks to help stabilize the wood.
Strange thing is, that with my 44 and 357, the more I shot them the more they settled in. I have done nothing to the forearms, and they fit snuggly for the length of the wood. Both stocks are laminated stocks and this may have some effect as laminates are far more stable than plain wood. The point of impact shifted dramatically with my 30-30 after being in my house for about a month. The gunshop is of course air conditioned, while my house is not. I am sure that sealing the plain wood of the Handi would help.