OK, guyslets get back to the original issue:
If you were planning a camping/road trip across this great nation of ours, would you feel comfortable with a single action as your sole/primary handgun? This would include the duty of protection from fuzzy things with teeth in the woods to those not so fuzzy with two feet.
(1) I'm sorry if I upset anyone. It was not my intent, and I DID NOT call any one a fool.
(2) I DID say I love my single action revolvers. I only have six of them, and I know that may not be much at all to some of you, but it's a start.
(3) My point was that in an emergency situation it is quicker and easier for the majority of us handgun shooters to 1. draw the weapon and, 2. pull the trigger, with a DA revolver, rather than 1. draw the weapon, 2. cock the weapon, and 3. pull the trigger. (I know that fast draw artists cock first and then draw. Not many of us are fast draw artists, however.) This is why most folks went to DA revolversto cut out a stepand why Colt quit making them after the war. Thank heavens Ruger brought em back.
I think that most of you will admit that it takes greater skill and practice for some one to be profecient with a SA revolver. I happen to live in a city that has just been ranked #2 in the nation in violent crime. Murder and armed robberies are as common as rear ends. Recently, one gentleman was confronted by 3 armed men in an ATM. He saw their reflection in the glass as they came in behind him, and he drew his gun. When they threatened him and demanded his money he turned and fired, shooting all three. (The element of surprise on his sidethey didn't know he was armed until it was too late.) Now, if he was a CSA shooter he might have been able to do it with a SA, but he was not. And not everyone who likes SA guns are involved with CSA. Most are just hunters who like the strength and comfort of a SA handgun. All this guy had to do was point and shootwith one hand.
So for you guys who can do it with a SAgreat. Most of us, however, will have to settle for a DA if we need a fast second (or third) shot. Personally, I can do this faster with my Anaconda than I can with my Rugers.
So, I guess to really answer the original question you would have to know the individual's skill level.
Again, I respect all of you guys, and it's your knowledge and expertise that make this forum the best thing on the internet. My opinion is just thatan opinionand it's quite often wrong. Just ask my wife!