Author Topic: What are your Favorite 30-30 loads???  (Read 712 times)

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Offline Wally

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What are your Favorite 30-30 loads???
« on: April 10, 2004, 03:23:55 PM »
I have a new Bullberry 10" 30-30 on the way and would like info on your favorite loads for the 130 gr hornady SSP. Have Hodgen and TC Loading manuels but would appreciate some sucess stories. Had a old TC 30-30 that wouldn't cut the mustard on anything I fed it. Hoping for better sucess with a custom barrel.

Thanks for you help.

Offline Darrell H

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What are your Favorite 30-30 loads???
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2004, 06:09:01 PM »
Hi Wally:

I've got a 14" Bullberry full bull profile Contender barrel.  My best blend of accuracy and velocity with the loads that I have tried up to this point have been with a max charge of H-4895 and 125 grain Nosler BT bullets.  This load yields 5-shot groups in the 3/4" to 1" range with velocities around 2200 fps.  My most accurate load that I have found is a mild charge of W748 and 150 grain Sierra match bullets.  This load has yielded several 1/4" - 1/2" 3 shot groups.  Good luck with your new barrel!!


Offline Thomas Price

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30-30 Loads
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2004, 12:57:33 PM »
I am shooting a 14" 30-30. I have had my best groups using 30.5 grains of Reloader 7 and using 130 grain Hornady SSP bullets. I get about 1" groups using this combination. Good luck to you in your reloading.

Offline af4kb

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« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2004, 06:57:12 AM »
Glad to see the reloader 7 recipie . I bought a pound just for the 30/30 Have not even got to shoot this barrel yet, but have 3 sets loaded for a tr 28, 29, 30 grains of reloader 7 all 125 grain speer tnt . I'm sure however it will take some tinkering with to get just right. Pop
Freddy Tuscaloosa

Offline Deaf Smith

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While I don't reload for my 30-30 barrel yet
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2004, 09:08:00 AM »
As I still have a hundred rounds with 130 grain spirepoints (don't know the load off the top of my head the loads came with the gun) Recoil is comfortable and load is accurate. So far when I need to get more ammo I just buy the 150 grain fps when they are on sale at waomart during hunting  season. And some of the remington Accrilaters when I can find them at  a gun show. Once I get serious about loading for it we'll see what bullet weight I use I am leaning towards the 150 fps and some of the 125 130 spirepoints. like in the loads I got from the previous owner why mess with sucess.  I like shooting the barrel as a 100 yard plinker and I have little trouble hitting the gongs set at that distance with irons. So I was having fun anyways.
Jim L
Jim L
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Offline haroldclark

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10 inch 30-30 info
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2004, 08:38:14 AM »
I have a 10" 30-30 barrel and it is one of my favorites.  However, I have only fired light plinking loads that I have loaded.  The bullets are cast from different bullet molds that I have.  

I have the accuracy data and loading data all compiled in an Excel Spreadsheet format.  Anyone interested, drop me an email and be sure to mention for the 30-30.

About a week ago, I got a 30-30 that is 16" long.  I'm using it on my handgun frame.  I've used 20 grains of Reloader 7 with a 170 grain Remington PSPCL bullet and it works great.  The recoil is very light and I'm especially fond of that.

Yesterday, I shot some 150 grain Hornady spire points with 16 grains of 2400.  You might think Woosie!!!!. Yes, you are right.  If I want more recoil, I pull out my 308 Encore.  After a hundred rounds in a day with the 308, I'm delighted to get back to my old friend the woosie 30-30.

I'm going to tell you a story that you probably will not believe.  On the 10" TC barrel, I have a 4 power Leupold scope that has an extreme amount of elevation capabilities.  I have he Weaver base on the barrel raised in the rear with 20 thousandths of shims.

With that set up and a 150 grain gas checked cast bullet in front of 9.5 grains of IMR SR 7625 powder, I can hit the Steel Silhouette Ram at 547 yards.  It doesn't even disturb the target, but it is remarkable that the ole 30-30 load at 1255 fps will go that far.

Harold Clark