I have a 10" 30-30 barrel and it is one of my favorites. However, I have only fired light plinking loads that I have loaded. The bullets are cast from different bullet molds that I have.
I have the accuracy data and loading data all compiled in an Excel Spreadsheet format. Anyone interested, drop me an email and be sure to mention for the 30-30.
About a week ago, I got a 30-30 that is 16" long. I'm using it on my handgun frame. I've used 20 grains of Reloader 7 with a 170 grain Remington PSPCL bullet and it works great. The recoil is very light and I'm especially fond of that.
Yesterday, I shot some 150 grain Hornady spire points with 16 grains of 2400. You might think Woosie!!!!. Yes, you are right. If I want more recoil, I pull out my 308 Encore. After a hundred rounds in a day with the 308, I'm delighted to get back to my old friend the woosie 30-30.
I'm going to tell you a story that you probably will not believe. On the 10" TC barrel, I have a 4 power Leupold scope that has an extreme amount of elevation capabilities. I have he Weaver base on the barrel raised in the rear with 20 thousandths of shims.
With that set up and a 150 grain gas checked cast bullet in front of 9.5 grains of IMR SR 7625 powder, I can hit the Steel Silhouette Ram at 547 yards. It doesn't even disturb the target, but it is remarkable that the ole 30-30 load at 1255 fps will go that far.
Harold Clark