I have no doubt that the biggest problem with accuracy with the large bore Glock compacts is the trigger. May I suggest lots of dryfire pratice? Then a good bench session to convince you that the gun is very accurate before you go back to the off hand. Concentrate on the basics of, grip, sight picture, and trigger press. Bet you'll be pleased with the results. I went to a 3.5# connector and a reduced power striker spring in my mdl36. It shoots one ragged hole for six shots from the bench at 15yds. I went back to the standard connector and striker spring for carry to increase reliability and safety. I can shoot an offhand group in this configuration of about 4" on a good day at 25yds. Your Mdl 30 should be capable of the same right out of the box. Don't waste your money by taking it to a smith. Without spending a LOT of money, very little improvement in accuracy can be attained with this platform. I also have a mdl 21 in this caliber. I might sell the 21 someday, but the 36 stays!