In South Central Texas we have had record high rainfall for the past 6 months. Until the first freeze (Dec. 6 this year), the pastures all looked like late May after a wet spring. I've never seen so much green.
Deer were moving very well in good numbers in the early season. Saw 7 different young bucks and numerous does before my keeper came by on the fourth day I hunted. He was a nice 10-point with a forked left side G2. Dress weight @ 125# (nice sized deer in these parts). He had more fat on him than I have ever seen on a Texas deer.
My cousins all saw lots of deer as well. One day 8 different bucks were counted. Mostly young bucks but some more mature ones as well. Rut was kind of drawn out over the whole season, not so punctuated as is usually the case. Total harvest in my extended family group was 6 deer; four very nice eight-pointers, a spindly eight-pointer in bad body condition, and one ten-pointer. Altogether a very good season.