I met a interesting character tonight, at my local Gander Mountain. After conversing with him for several minutes, he tells me, that he is BIG TIME into Muzzle Loading.
He told me , Quote, "I took my Buck , last year, with CUSTOM Gonic .50, at a Laser Verified 327 YARDS
Now im close to a city, but im of the mind, that this guy Guy is piss$#, on my Leg, and trying to tell me that it is raining!
I questioned him further on the subject,and he told me that he uses a Winchester Bullet,ahead of 115 Grains of Triple 7. He did not state what the Grain Weight was !
Now Being somewhat new to ML,i can believe that a Shot can be Lobed That Far, But can it be done, on a First shot Basis.
He claim's, to have a Unerterl 18 adorning the top,and a Drop Chart Taped to his Stock.
He did invite me, to come to his Range some Weekend,which, i would be more than Happy to do,just to see his Prowess,or so he claims. Is this Luck, or can a ML , be Dialed in, to shoot this Yardage?? Many Thank's on your opinion!
On a side note, What is the farthest you have reliable references, as to confirmed Kills with a ML, is this Guy the Bomb or WHAT? (If Exlax is Optional) ?