:cb2: I, too, have the 617 in 6" but it's a 6 shot as well. It is amazingly accurate, but it is expensive. After reading what others have written, it seems like the 6-shot owners are happier with their 617s than those with the 10-shot guns. Maybe it has to do with the steel verses aluminum or alloy or what ever the 10-shot cylinders are made of. I don't know why S&W charges more for the .22 on a K frame than tfhey do any other caliber? ( I guess because they know they can get it.) I really think it's the finest .22 on the market--second only to the Freedom Arms.
I also have a SP101 .22, the 4" and it's a lot of fun. I put a scope on the 617 for serious hunting, so if I grab a gun just for fun it's either my SP101, or my .22 Bisley -- depending on wheather I'm in a DA or SA mood. Some days you shoot so much your fingers on the left hand get tired of ejecting those dead .22 shells out of the SA gun.
I couldn't find a leather holster for the SP101. Hated to have to buy nylon, but that's what I wound up doing. A nice gun like that deserves leather.
One's better for killing critters, the other for killing time. You'll have a lot of fun with either.
Oh, and as for Taurus, I bought ONE. And I'm still trying to get rid of it. :bye: