These are my own personal thoughts. Not really looking for agreements or disagreements. I am just throwing them out for thought. Ponder on em.
Our political system is an ongoing construction project. It is continually evolving, an while it is hard for me, cause i'm older than dirt and take change less easily than I once did, it is necessary.
Really, it must be that way. Our youngones are living in a different world than we grew up in, just as we lived in a different world than our parents. I remember they were real unhappy with the way we looked at things, thought we didn't have the sense God gave a turnip. Lordy, they may have been right, well, in my case anyway.
Folks, this government we have is not perfect, mainly cause we arn't. It may have been loosly based on, UNDER GOD, but tha folks that said it were certainly flawed.
We have now two entrenched political parties. These parties are guided by God knows who, I defy anyone to find this out. They are selfserving people whose only desire is their own personal agenda. They have a plan for theirownselves which does not include the good of this nation.
These folks do not give a whit about the citizens of this nation. They throw out agenda which seems like good stuff but is meaningless. Kind of like throwing a bone to a dog to keep him from growling.
Some folks eat these bones thinking they are from folks that care. They do it to appease, not to futher the good of this nation but to use this nation for their own good.
This is not new stuff folks, check out all history. Now, under our system, there is a way to change this. It is called Democratic revolution, the polling place, voting.
The thing that must happen is to find good folks, not tied to political agenda, good thinkers, statesmen. strong God fearing men and women who have the backbone to stand against the pressure of personal gain.
I have no doubt it is possible, I have all kinda doubts that it is gonna happen.
Were you looking for something novel, some great earth shaking revalation? Sorry folks, it is much too simple.