I'm kind of bummed that none of the popular Northwest fish made the cut to have their own forum. My favorite fish to go after is the sturgeon, because of its size and the excellent fish and chips that follow a catch. The biggest sturgeon I've brought to the boat was a 9' white near Astoria, OR. For those unfamiliar with local fishing regs, the biggest ones have to be released to continue breeding, so my biggest keeper was just under 6'. I'd love to hook one of the 14' monsters that swim the Snake and upper Columbia.
After that, for sheer fishing fun and good flavor, chinook salmon, followed by steelhead, are the runners-up. Does anyone else here fish buoy 10 near the mouth of the Columbia? Anyone cross the bar and fish the big water for the fish coming in? It beats bass fishing, IMHO, but maybe I just need to do more bass fishing. If there's any kokanee or trout to be had in a lake, I don't even gear up for bass, so maybe I'm missing out.
Bottom fishing for halibut and ling cod is pretty good fun too, even if you end up spending more than half the time reeling in dogfish instead of the intended catch. I suppose that fits into the salt water forum, along with crossing the Columbia bar after migrating salmonids, but it sure seems like it's enough fun for its own forum.
Just my rambling $.02 worth.