Buckeye,yes at times a beaver will come from the back .Sometimes they are walking along the shore,other times they just seem to go around things.This doesn't bother me,as I usually get them on the way out.
I hade a huge male this spring,he would appear every time I motored up to this island.He would swim away --showing no interest in my sets.
The same thing happened on morning #4,I motored up,beaver swam out--but this time he headed up the islands shoreline.I checked a couple sets and had gone about 200 yards to my last set--castor mound and 330 on the side of a broken down old beaver house.There sat the big old male,right behind my trap,smelling my lure.He had come onto the old lodge from the back side.I shut off the motor so I could sit and watch him.I didn't get to watch long.He took a last sniff of my lure ,and entered back into the water,right through my 330.Over the years I have watched many beaver get caught,it is a very interesting experience.
Also at times,you may have a beaver knock some of the side blocking down,and enter onto the mound that way.All I do then is increase the blocking on the sides.
Lee you bring up an interesting point,beaver covering your castor mound.I have talked to other trappers about this also.I never have this done to my sets.Maybe it is because so many of them are caught in the 330 right away.My mounds stay the same till Ifreshen them up.
Does this happen to you ,only when you set footholds?