Can't speak for several of the broadheads sugested, but based on my own testing of what I already use I would stick with what I use already and that is Zwickey's.
Reasons#1 tripple strength point.
#2 easy to sharpen or fix any bur.
#3 flies like a dart from either traditional or compound bow.
#4 kills just as good as any new broadhead on the market.
#5 price $18.50 for 6 pk.
#6 American labor, American made.
#7 Been on the market since 1938
#8 Been making masive blood trails since 1938
Every year bowhunters buy into the thinking they need new broadheads, because they think the next new one on the market is gonna kill better, dead is dead. Old style broadheads are still doing it, just as good, just as dead with blood trails that a blind man can follow.
I still believe in
Dr Ed Ashby Reports