Today I finally got to shoot my Trailside that I bought over a month ago. I was impressed with the accuracy of this pistol, but I had quite a time to get it to feed properly. For the first 50-100 rounds or so, I couldn't fire more than three or four shots consecutively without either a failure to feed or to eject. A few times the first round in the magazine didn't even chamber. It seems that the rounds don't seat properly on the follower. Some lie almost flat, while others are angled slightly upward. It was hard to load the rounds into the mag without the lips shaving some lead (and/or lube) from the bullets. I only shot three kinds of ammo, and the problem was MUCH worse with PMC Scoremaster. (Federal Wal-Mart bulk-pack hollowpoints and CCI standard velocity only jammed two or three times in about 400 rounds.) I shot the PMC first, so I guess it could have been the ammo that caused the problems, but that still wouldn't explain why the cartridges weren't seating in the magazine properly. I did make sure to push the rim all the way to the rear of the mag. I was wondering if anybody else has had similar problems. I am happy with the Trailside overall--accuracy, balance, sights--but I used to have a $200 Ruger 22/45 that NEVER jammed EVEN ONCE in at least 10,000 rounds!! Although I must say that the Ruger was significantly less accurate than the Sig. I remember reading that the magazines from the Smith & Wesson Model 41 also fit the Trailside, but I don't recall if any modifications were necessary. I'd appreciate any input you might have. :-)