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Offline ratherbefishin

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election 2004
« on: May 24, 2004, 04:20:37 PM »
This election will polarise the country as the Liberals  refuse to admit the whole firearms registration has basically wasted a billion dollars- money that bought the big city vote[where illegal smuggled handguns are used for criminal purposes]  at the expense of rural CANADA[ where the bulk of the legitimate rifles and shots guns are- and the least amount of firearms related crime]
 The fact is, rural Canada has very little voting power- and the Liberals very well know it- and that is why the firearms registration will not be withdrawn.
 The whole firearms registration law never was about reducing criminal activety- it was all about  buying  big city votes- and succeeded very well at that.The Liberals base their  whole rational on the 76% ''yes'' vote to a carefully worded poll quesion asking Canadians if they supported ''gun controll''counting on the fact that non firearms owners wouldn't know we already had some of the most comprehensive ''gun controll '' legislation on the books already.And- the gamble paid off.
 But- their own statistics showed not one life was saved- and they  spent a billion dollars of our  money following their  ideological quest to take away legitimate firearms from ordinary law abiding Canadians.And they are determined to carry on doing it , too.
 The Liberals realizing the auditor General has unmasked this fraud, now claim they are going to make it more palatable by making reregistering firearms ''more efficient''-Will some on please tell me when the criminals registered their illegal handguns in the first place?
 But unless we let the non firearms owning community how they wasted our money- they'll carry right on no matter what the cost- which they will attempt to conceal by burying it in the RCMP budget.Let them know the sole reason for this billion dollar debacle is nothing more than buying votes- and the flood of illegal smuggled weapons continues unabated into our cities
 Make your vote count this time

Offline kevin.303

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election 2004
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2004, 07:09:24 AM »
everynoe says only the conservatives are against the registry but i talked with the local ndp canididate and they are against it too. at least they got rid of the transfer fees. that's what i found the most annoying about the system was not in actually registering but on top of the price of the fiream and sales tax you had to pay 25 bucks for a phone call!!
" oh we didn't sink the bismarck, and we didn't fight at all, we spent our time in Norfolk and we really had a ball. chasing after women while our ship was overhauled, living it up on grapefruit juice and sick bay alcohol"

Offline John Y Cannuck

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election 2004
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2004, 08:09:40 AM »
What I'm afraid of, is what thew NDP would replace it with, IF they did, and it's not part of their platform as far as I know.
Canadian Liberal Gov't = elected Dictatorship

Offline ratherbefishin

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2004 election
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2004, 05:31:32 AM »
the only logical solutionis to simply admit the whole registry issue was a huge mistake that accomplished absolutely nothing except buy some Liberal votes- which it was designed to do in the first place as they tried to impose their idiological viewpointvthat''guns were badand nobodyshould be allowed to own one.While they wouldn'tcome outand actiually say that, the tactic was blatently clear- make private ownership of any gun so dificultthatpeople would simply give up. However- the illegal transfer  and possession ofhandguns continues unabated- it's only the legitimat ownership  of firearms thatwas curtailed . You probably saw pictures of firearms beingturned in and destroyed[ greatliberal photo op] how many do you think were turned in by criminals?????

Offline ratherbefishin

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« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2004, 02:37:29 PM »
so- the polls are telling us the Liberals are in BIG TROUBLE! WhenPaul Marin concedes they may be heading for a 'minority'' government- you can bet your boots he is puting the most optimistic spin on it he can- that means he thinks they could be slaughtered .And that means the end of the Liberal vote buying program- for thatis all the gun registry was- a very expensive way of convincing the bigcity[ lots of votes] that the government [Liberal Government] was ''doing something''[ which they weren't]  about 'fighting crime.They calculated that although they would alienate the rural vote[ where the hunters lived] the numbers were too small to worry about and were expendable

Offline ratherbefishin

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« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2004, 03:39:31 AM »
looks like Wendy Cukra [who landed a cushy job at the gun registry ] may be looking for work[of couse she'll be getting a handsome severance package] if the Conservatives win-which is looking like it just might happen.The gun registry will be history-costs estimates are over 2 billion, and it didn't save even one life- but it did take any number of police officers off the road who were seconded to work for them.It didn't put any criminals behind bars, and I didn't see any criminals lining up to register their illegal weapons, either.Matter of fact, the only gun trade that was curtailed was the legitimate one-unless you're a Liberal who thinks all firearms are immoral and nobody should have the right to own one for any reason-hunting, target shooting, collecting, nothing.