Took the chance today to shoot the 30-30 some more with the 150 grain milsurp ball that Vance sent me to try out.
The cases that I had annealed, worked perfect in bullet tension. The first group though was somewhat disappointing, about 2", the common 7 in 1.375 x 1 with three flyers out. So I cleaned the barrel really good, got a lot of lead fines out of it. I suspect that I was simply trying to pus for too much velocity with the cast i was using. After cleaning up, the rifle shot a nice 7 shot group that is 1" x .75", but again with three flyers. I carefull sorted out those cases, and loaded 'em up again. This time I was rewarded with 7 shots firing a group 1" tall and .625" wide, 5 shots make a group that is .375" x .375", WOW :eek: the other 3 makd a group that is beloe the former by 1" and is the same .375" x.375" Problem is, one of those shots was from the "good" 7 cases and one of the 5 shots was from a case culled as a flyer case. Go figure.
Gonna try out a different bullet tomorrow, the Sierra 150 SPT. and see what I get. Over all, I remain quite satisfied with the 150 grain milsurp ball. it easily shoots good and is a fine bullet for poking holes in paper.
As a side note, I had bought a new 30 cal jag for my cleaning rod and there is a definate difference in the bore for the first and last haf of he barrels length (chamber to muzzle) Push the patch to the muzzle and pull it back and about half way it gets obviously hard to pull, and remains so to the chamber.