I use the Lawrence no 120 (Elmer Keiths old Threeepersons adaptation) with a 4 5/8s .45 Ruger. Strong side, forward cant. Very handy and very fast. Can carry it all day without it ever being in the way or getting uncomfortable. In a vehicle it doesn't interfere with or get hung up in the seat belt, in a chair, it stays out of the way for the most part. I punched a hole in the back of the holster's belt loop and the cartridge belt and tied it in place with a piece of deerskin string. The holster doesn't surprise you by being somewhere else when you want the gun, and it all stays together when you take it off. I've carried cross draw years ago, but got tired of the gun getting banged into things a lot, and I felt it got in the way a fair amount. For all day, every day wear, the strong side, fairly high ride of the Threepersons type works very well. Worn a bit behind the middle of the side it's always available but never in the way. When carrying a rifle also, I carry it in hand mostly, but the times it's slung, it's barrel down on the left side, and the cross draw can hang up the rifle when you swing it up in a quick movement.