Author Topic: Hopkins & Allen Falling Block Shotguns  (Read 1070 times)

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Offline Turkeyfeather

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Hopkins & Allen Falling Block Shotguns
« on: June 04, 2004, 05:38:48 AM »
I have a real fine Hopkins & Allen single shot, falling block shotgun that refinished just great.  I am missing the spring that controls the lever and breech block.  I am not sure what the proper name is for that spring and I don't know where to get one.  Numerich Gun Parts has a listing for the 722/822 guns but they don't have an exploded view of it.  They don't list an item such as a lever spring but they do have an item called a block spring.  Could this be it?  When I contacted them, they were quite curtious but couldn't tell me if that was the item I need.

I know that I could rely on some of the experts on this forum to have the answer. :P

Offline gunnut69

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Hopkins & Allen Falling Block Shotguns
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2004, 08:45:48 AM »
I haven't seen one of these in years but the 722-822 series rifles were small framed 22 rimfires.  The shotgun would be of a much larger frame size.  A good smith should be able to improvise a spring to hold the lever up.  It will be next to impossible but would be a real help to find a parts blow up..
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