I have a SSK-barrel in .375 JDJ. I was in Africa in April, and shot 7 animals with Hornady 270 SP. But the bullet did not hold together. All the animals was shot dead with one shot - but I want a bullet without a lot of fragments after a hit. Therefor I have tried different loads with Nosler Partition 260 gr. Average 3-shot groups measure 2,42" (1990 fps) at 110 yds. - not the accuracy I want out of it - but now I`m tired of testing loads. I think I will "settle down" with this accuracy. I`m used to the accuracy from my 30-30, therefor I am a little bit dissapointed. But the accuracy is more than enough for the huntingsituations (but on the paper the groups looks bad). I try to comfort myself and say: And I say: Sverre - if you mount the gun in a Ransom Rest - the groups will be 1,9".