Author Topic: BB gun for Concealed Carry?  (Read 2173 times)

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Offline Questor

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« on: June 08, 2004, 02:54:25 AM »
I'm not considering doing this, but is it legal to carry a concealed air pistol without a concealed carry permit? I'm just wondering because I've read that just showing a gun can stop a gunfight before any shots are fired. If that's the case, and it's legal, I can see some advantage to packing a BB gun in a pinch.
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Offline Raging480

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2004, 03:02:18 AM »
Is it legal to conceal a bb gun on your person?  I expect it is.  I strongly recommend NOT doing this for several reasons.
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Offline Sixgun

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2004, 03:16:55 AM »
A couple of years ago a guy broke into a local K-Mart and stole a bb pistol.  When cornered by the police, he pulled it and they responded by pulling their Glock 40 cals.  It was an uneven gunfight and he lost.

You can only hit the target if the barrel is pointed in the right direction when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Offline Mikey

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2004, 03:23:24 AM »
Questor my friend - legal or not I would never even consider it.  Sixgun has it right, and the police aren't the only ones who will fire on ya if you're totin' a bb gun - some nervous and jerky crackhead will do the same and your only advantage in a situation like that is to have a real gun.  Mikey.

Offline Glanceblamm

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2004, 04:22:49 AM »
Good Answers Guys
You could also compare this to the home owner who buys a firearm
(Just To Scare Away) the intruder. It just wont work.

Offline unspellable

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Concealed BB gun
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2004, 02:02:19 AM »
The laws vary from one place to another, but in many places you would be carrying a concealed weapon as far as the law is concearned and they would come down on you with all four feet.

Offline K2

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2004, 07:54:37 AM »
Indeed if the intruder finds that the homeowner will not use it often the homeowner will have it used on them.  Firearms are serious stuff and need serious consideration.  Knowing the local laws are the first place to begin.  Flashing what appears to be a real handgun in many areas will get you charged with brandishing a weapon.  Some of the air pistols are nearly identical copies visually of firarms, if you go for one and a felon shoots you dead he might be justified under a "reasonable man" standard put to the jury.  You would be dead and the bad guy most likely would walk.   Think things thru as best you can.  
Quote from: glanceblamm
Good Answers Guys
You could also compare this to the home owner who buys a firearm
(Just To Scare Away) the intruder. It just wont work.

Offline Savorino

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RE: concealed BB
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2004, 07:09:34 PM »
Here in Michigan they arrested and are prosecuting a man for going into a store with a concealed soft air pistol.
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Offline Dusty Miller

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2004, 09:01:18 PM »
I clicked on this topic hoping it was a joke.  Man, I'm VERY disappointed.
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Offline papajohn428

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2004, 08:51:39 AM »
Don't know about elsewhere, but in my area there have been numerous perps killed by police when they displayed a BB gun.  Lawsuits were filed, but the cops won.  There is one particular model (Crosman?) that looks a lot like a 45ACP from a distance, and if I saw one in the hand of a bad guy, I'd drop him like a greased anvil.  

While driving home several months ago, a drunk/stupid college kid I was passing decided to play chicken with me, and when I nearly ran him off the road, he pulled one of those out and pointed it at me.  Lucky for him, I was still in uniform, including my Surefire flashlight.  When I shined it at him I realized the gun was a toy and held my fire.  Had the light not been available, I probably would have "Lit Him Up" with a Hydra-Shok instead.

I tried to get his name for a Darwin Award nomination, but he didn't want to play anymore, once he saw my S&W pointed at his head.   :eek:

If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline kjeff50cal

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2004, 10:47:06 AM »
I am reminded of a case in Houston where a certified security guard for one of the well known firms was caught with a Crossman pellet gun (a revolver look-a-like of a S&W) instead of his duty weapon..... it seems that he picked up a drug habit and he pawned he duty gun to pay for his habit. Fortunately he was caught by a sharp eyed employee of the company he was "guarding" and not during a robbery..... :eek:

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its not they they want to kill you but!
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2004, 09:04:11 PM »
Im a cop and if you pulled a gun on me I would do my best to stop your aggressive action against me and I aint going to ask you if it is a BB gun or not . Dont do it get a real gun get your CCPermit and let the cop know when he puls you over that you have it on your person he will secure the weapon during the stop and give it back when he is finished burning you that ticket or checking your driving status.I would not want to be on the receiving end of that horrible mistake!

Offline Krazyhorse

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2004, 09:22:37 PM »
I had the same idea as Dusty on this post when I read it.
You couldn't pay me enough to try a trick like that!!!

Offline dawei

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Re: BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2004, 02:59:08 AM »
Quote from: Questor
I'm not considering doing this, but is it legal to carry a concealed air pistol without a concealed carry permit? I'm just wondering because I've read that just showing a gun can stop a gunfight before any shots are fired. If that's the case, and it's legal, I can see some advantage to packing a BB gun in a pinch.

Here in WA State; it's really asking for trouble. I very nearly shot & killed a 17yo kid in 1998 because he had a BB gun that looked to be a S&W 639. I had the trigger half way back on my gun when he finally obeyed my third command to "DROP THE GUN". Specifically my first two commands were; "DROP THE GUN". My third & final command was; "DROP THE GUN OR I WILL SHOOT". He was successfully prosecuted for carrying a concealed weapon & brandishing same. He was very lucky I didn't shoot. I was VERY UPSET AFTERWORD! :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

In 2001 a similar incident occurred at a convenience store nearby. Turns out a bunch of high school kids were trying to scare people with a BB gun. A guy comes out of the store & the kid points the BB gun at him & says; "STICK EM UP". The would be victim dropped his stuff & took cover behind a vehicle & then drew his piece; a 9mm. He then points his piece at the kid & yells; "DROP YOUR GUN OR I WILL SHOOT". The STUPID kid again points his gun at the guy behind the truck; at which time this poor guy double taps him COM. Both shots into the heart. The kid was dead before he hit the ground.

An act of utter stupidity to say the least. District Attorney refused to prosecute; justifiable homicide. The kid wasn't a banger; or other near-do-well, he came from a good family.

A real tragedy for all concerned. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Offline bgjohn

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2004, 06:00:48 AM »
:shock: You should be VERY careful with this. You could put someones EYE out :lol:
JM :P !
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Offline Ron T.

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2004, 10:42:17 AM »
Carrying a concealed weapon puts a heavy responsibility on the person carrying it… and even though many of us who have secured our CCW Permits are relatively “experienced” in gun handling and use, we are NOT “professional” peace officers and would probably be more likely to react more quickly with lethal force to a direct or seemingly REAL “lethal” threat by a stranger with LESS restraint than a trained, experienced professional peace officer.

That said, I believe it would be pretty stupid to point a BB-gun “wannabe” pistol at even a relatively knowledgeable and experienced shooter/hunter like me since I’m probably NOT going to take much time to TRY to figure out if or WHY you’re pointing a BB-gun or a REAL gun at me.  All I’ll see is someone pointing a gun at me.     :shock:

In these days when the 11 o’clock TV news is full of stories about “bad” people doing “bad” things to good & decent people, if a stranger APPEARED to be threatening me, I’d be a FOOL if I didn’t react as if the “threat” was REAL… and I’d undoubtedly shoot that “stranger”, especially if I saw a gun was pointing at me!      :(

THAT’S THE PRIMARY REASON I WENT TO THE TROUBLE AND EXPENSE TO GET MY “CCW” PERMIT… and the reason I’m carrying a concealed weapon, isn’t it?      :roll:

Even more so than the admonishment about “Never take a knife to a gun-fight”, I’d suggest it isn’t “smart” to attempt to fool what might be an armed opponent into believing a BB-gun is a REAL gun!

Strength & Honor…

Ron T.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."  - Thomas Jefferson

Offline rockbilly

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2004, 04:54:59 PM »
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, if anyone decides to carry a BB gun just make sure they have a clean suit and six good friends to carry the casket.  Other than putting a sign around your neck reading "I'm Stupid", there is no better way to get your self shot by someone carrying the real thing.

Nuff said.............don't even think about it! :D

Offline Bikenut

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2004, 01:37:26 AM »
I'm not now nor have I ever been a police officer. I'm just an ordinary citizen with a CCW........ and I carry.

Driving home one day last year I made a left turn onto a 2 lane one way street........ and drove over what appeared to be a full sized semi auto pistol of indeterminate caliber laying in the middle of the lane. I went around the block and returned to see the gun still laying there and traffic just driving over it. This was a residential area with kids around. In all good conscience I couldn't just leave that gun laying there so I parked my truck on top of it blocking the lane. The gun ended up slightly under my truck by the passenger door. I got out of the truck and stood by the door so that gun was behind my feet. I could not see the muzzle so I still had no clue what caliber it was. Since I didn't have a cell phone I started stopping traffic asking people to dial 911 and report a gun laying in the street. Ordinary people are good people.... many did as I requested.

Just then a young and muscular man approached me from across the street, got right in my face, and said that the gun was his BB gun. I replied that this was fine but we would let the police sort it out. He was acting funny and kept looking at the gun under my truck and edging for it. At this point I sternly informed him I was armed and asked him to please back off. He got an attitude and asked me who the hell I thought I was to threaten him. I repeated that I was armed and for him to back off. He kinda blinked and ambled back across the street... and went into a house.

Now I'm still standing in the street...... with a gun under my truck.... in traffic... and a possible bad guy inside a house either calling his buddys or getting another gun, or both.... and I'm still stopping traffic asking for people to dial 911....... thinking I just may have made a bad mistake by getting involved with this mess...... and a plain clothes cop pulls to a screaching halt behind my truck. Followed shortly by a patrol car and more cops.

It turns out the gun was a BB gun. The young guy got pissed at it because it wouldn't fire and threw it into the street. The young guy also wanted me arrested for threatening him. The cops informed him I hadn't threatened him and proceeded to chew his arse big time for tossing a gun into the street and causing a public disturbance.

I ended up being thanked by the police and told I could go on home.... and no one ever even asked my name, address, or to see my CCW.... or even asked if I really was armed.

However...... the reason I told the young guy acting like he wanted to snatch the gun that I didn't know was a BB gun from under my truck that I was armed was I wanted to give him the unspoken option......... go for the gun and I'll go for mine. Things would have turned out much different had he reached for that BB gun because I didn't know it was a BB gun.
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Offline dawei

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2004, 02:53:24 AM »
Quote from: Bikenut
I'm not now nor have I ever been a police officer. I'm just an ordinary citizen with a CCW........ and I carry.

MEGA SNIP..............

I ended up being thanked by the police and told I could go on home.... and no one ever even asked my name, address, or to see my CCW.... or even asked if I really was armed. However...... the reason I told the young guy acting like he wanted to snatch the gun that I didn't know was a BB gun from under my truck that I was armed was I wanted to give him the unspoken option......... go for the gun and I'll go for mine. Things would have turned out much different had he reached for that BB gun because I didn't know it was a BB gun.

As far as I'm concerned; you did EVERYTHING RIGHT! I will relate an immutable law of the street: A MODICUM OF INTELLIGENCE IS NOT A PREREQUISITE FOR BEING A CRIMINAL!  For sure you DID THE RIGHT THING; and, I might add: HAD THE RIGHT STUFF!

Offline Flash

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2004, 02:07:32 PM »
I recomend a pistol that shoots the spring loaded, plastic darts with the suction cup points. This probably parallels the BB gun but won't show a threatening muzzle and you can paint the darts orange for easy recovery. I hope you get the point.
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Offline daddywpb

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BB gun for Concealed Carry?
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2004, 11:39:49 PM »
Just when you think you've heard it all...........