the beads are for reference, once youve moujnted the gun,and set your cheek, , yes you dont see them especially if you shoot fast.. when you mount the gun the bead height variation betwwen the two will be different for center of pattttern in 16 and 26 yards if you want your pattern on center.. also two beads stops canting to even the slightest degree.. i knew a pretty good shooter that woould aim just over the house in doubles, say pull, and pull the trigger for the first target, interesting,, ive never tried it but it worked for him, so when it comes to actually hitting the birds yould be on your own. the fish and game will give seminars for you for free, teaching game shooting tequniques, saftey, dog handeling all kinds of stuff, contact them.. big companyies will have a picknic and shoot at your facitlity,great for getting new members,they love that stuff, and its cheap for them to make employess happy.. make sure you let them know about the no alcohol rule,one boo boo and your insurance is gone.. spring leagues are the bigest event here.. weather is getting nice, everyone wants outside and thier ready to get practiced up for fall.. store owners will give prizes for competitions.. get a frindly person on that and give thems lots of advertising when they do, i offered to b e the go between for gifts for kids shoots once a year and the president said no.. theres no reason why not, huge companyies have money alloted to give away, it might as well be you,, always do this for kids shoots, its easy to get the prizes for kids ,a bike for first prize and theyll be comming out of the woodwork.. and the kids will appreaciate it, and its our future.. here they have an actual physical education class during school that they can sighn up for, and use club members old guns.. most will get thier own.. wish i could of done that when i was a kid.. if you dont have a kitchen sell a lease ( for a slight profit to you) to one of those roving kitchens to come out on big days so you can all get some food.. this will keep those out shooting longer and youll all have a good time.. pot lucks at shooting events are the best food in town.. add skeet range and alow black powder shooters in, maybe in there own round if the other shooters dont like it.. and get a skeet setup as soon as possible.. if you can shoot trap and skeet, there is nothing safe in the swamp or field.. good luck dave..