Author Topic: Who's joking!  (Read 1039 times)

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Offline Daveinthebush

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Who's joking!
« on: January 11, 2003, 04:45:04 PM »
That was I here in Alaska that mentioned being a lot closer to Korea. And yes, I wasn't joking.  Strategically Valdez is in control of your oil down there.  We had one cutter here and two patrol boats and now an additional 100' cutter is being stationed. This summer I watched several times as people who crossed the security zone at the terminal suddenly meet some clean-cut handsome young men carrying M-16’s and a 4” gun.

Home defense or should I say homeland defense I think is getting to be a hotter topic after 911 for the average person.  As one country western singer said in a song after 911, "did it make you want to go out and buy a gun.."

There is a topic on another site concerning the attack of our borders for foreign intrusion on a daily basis. How many people cross illegally on a daily basis.  Remember “Red Dawn”.  The people are already here! I am not trying to be an alarmist, just an old boy scout who remembers to Be Prepared.
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Offline 1911crazy

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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2003, 05:05:02 PM »
I feel the same way you do too. I just hope the new people who are buying guns for home protection(the ones who never shot before) seek training on how to handle them properly and not shoot themselves or someone else accidently if needed for defense. So its not just the bad guys i fear. You know its just like anything else practice, practice and more practice you have to know your weapon inside and out throughly. You have to be able to take it apart and assemble it in the dark. Reload it in the dark too.  So learn about your weapon before relying on it. When out in a place,(mall) look for where the exits are, know the way out, beware of your surroundings you still have to enjoy life being alert will keep you alive. You just never know.                                                    BigBill

Gun sales are up, applications for consealed carry permits are up too. So its not just us who are thinking this way.

Offline kamml

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7400 home defense
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2003, 02:47:29 AM »
This past fall I had a bug to build an AR15 in 7.62x39 for homeland defense.  After I got to thinking about it I decided on a 7400 in .06 instead.  This was a twofold solution, it gave me a reliable hunting rifle and with the 10 round (aftermarket) magazine a potential homeland defense weapon too.  I use a short barreled shotgun for those primo indoor home defense targets, and it certainly reduces pass through problems with my  :wink: neighbors.  At the same time I prefer to use long distance when its available for homeland defense and the 7400 allows me to reach out and touch them considerably farther away. Ken

Offline Mikey

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Homeland Defense
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2003, 08:53:40 AM »
Just wait a danged minute here - why the hay are we waiting for someone to attack us?   Take the fight to them before they get the chance to bring it to us and kick their basses.  Then use what's left for fertilizer.

Korea I am not worried about, even with all their talk about pre-emptive strikes.  Pre-empt this Song Woo!

Saddam - I'm sending the slick willie over to confooze ya to death and that will be the end of your story, unless we think ya'll need a night out with hillary to make sure you are finished.  

Border Crossers - long range is more fun.  And I doubt that either Canada or Mexico will consider it an invasion if a few spent projectiles of the non-exploding type happen to land across their borders if we miss a few of dem Border Crossers.

Demicraps - a full scale frontal assault on the next demicraptic convention, when we can git'em all on the first charge, is the best strategy, I think.

Hippies/Yippies/Yuppies and Liberals - send'em on down to Joeja and tell da Joeja Boyz dere ain't no limit on'em.


Offline 1911crazy

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Re: Homeland Defense
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2003, 03:07:02 AM »
Quote from: Mikey
Just wait a danged minute here - why the hay are we waiting for someone to attack us?   Take the fight to them before they get the chance to bring it to us and kick their basses.  Then use what's left for fertilizer.

Korea I am not worried about, even with all their talk about pre-emptive strikes.  Pre-empt this Song Woo!

Saddam - I'm sending the slick willie over to confooze ya to death and that will be the end of your story, unless we think ya'll need a night out with hillary to make sure you are finished.  

Border Crossers - long range is more fun.  And I doubt that either Canada or Mexico will consider it an invasion if a few spent projectiles of the non-exploding type happen to land across their borders if we miss a few of dem Border Crossers.

Demicraps - a full scale frontal assault on the next demicraptic convention, when we can git'em all on the first charge, is the best strategy, I think.

Hippies/Yippies/Yuppies and Liberals - send'em on down to Joeja and tell da Joeja Boyz dere ain't no limit on'em.


Mikey excellent post I like it. But on homeland security is just like firepower we can never have enough. We need to close our borders and make it tighter than a frogs butt to get into this country. Its just not fair and not right to those who put their life on the line everyday to protect our country and we make it so easy for the bad guys to get here and cause trouble.  My son and I were talking today if our country needed more people they might start the draft again. I told my son I would go fight for sure and would leave right now to do so I can't walk but I can still shoot save the young send me the old blood I had a life some what the kids haven't yet.                                           BigBill

Offline S.S.

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No Tolerance For Democraps
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2003, 05:47:58 AM »
I don't think they will be wanting to come
to Georgia!!!!
We almost booted them all out in the last Election!!!
I don't think they expected us to get quite as pissed off
about the flag as we did!!!!
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Offline Mikey

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« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2003, 09:18:08 AM »
It pizzed me off something fierce that I didn't get a gilt-edged invitation to Desert Storm.  An old Army Buddy and I were talking about that and I said "Hell, I'm CBR qualified.  At my age, whenever anyone yells 'Gas', the first thing I do is say, 'It wasn't me'".  

My Darlin Neice married a wonderful guy from Pakistan.  His family is one of those you would invite or take anywhere.  They are wonderful people.  I'm feeling much better about marrying her off, now that I have a fairly ready access to the mountain areas of both Pakistan and Afganistan and can go looking for GW's 25 million dollar booty whenever I want.

I agree with you about saving the younger ones and letting us older guys get back into it but ya know Bill, they will have to pick up the fight at some point or there won't be anyone around after we have gone and whizzed off to keep the domestic wolves away from our constitutional freedoms.

And I'm serious about not waiting for someone to come to us.  That is such a laisse-faire (notice the french pronounciation = fairy) attitude and is what has gotten us into hot water by being unprepared for one world war and two subsequent conflicts.  But, that makes me a war monger of all extremes and the type hated by liberals, demicraps and other jackals.  Well, I'm certain that somewhere, someone will have a recipe for that entree.  Possibly Big Daddy Idi Amin might publish his own cookbook.  He's had a bit of help from one of his wives in that regard.  

One of the mistakes we made was to get too lazy in regard to our willingness to take up the fight first.  Our failed leadership under the klinton regime gave terrorists the world over the notion that we would simply bend over and acquiese (?) to their terrorist demands.  They are still hoping that even though we have a real President who isn't afraid to get his nose bloodied in a fight, the weakness of the previous administration is still so strong in this country that we won't fight.  Bin laden counted on this and so did Hussein.  

Bin laden found out the hard way that he was sadly mistaken.  If we can take any information at some face value regarding this guy, we see that he is dying and that he will try, as best he can, to make one final stab at this country. He knows he has failed and the only way he can save his intended martyred outlook (save face) is to kill himself off before he dies of his disease or we get him first.  Otherwise, if he dies in ignomy or we kill or capture him, he will have lost it all.  Usually a martyr's suicide is the result of failure somewhere and he has failed.  

He hit us, he hurt our innocent civilians, and in return we have killed off and continue to kill off his followers and have destroyed his empire.  He has lost and it is simply a matter of time before he has to martyr himself to save face.  Sounds like we are gettin' pretty close to this sumnabitch, or else he wouldn't have issued that statement.  

Now, as for Mr. Saddam Hussein - I believe that arrogant piece of schmidt has finally gotten the message.  I believe he knows full well that the only way he can save face, and keep it to himself, is to do what he just did yesterday with his decree against weapons of mass destruction.  The world is just getting far too close to him for his own comfort and he knows it.  He and  idjits like Hamas and Bin laden can whip up the peasantry all they want with talk of suicidal martyrdom but for him, who wants to remain in power, Saddam will bend whichever way the international wind blows and right now it is blowing right in his face.  

As much as I would personally like to lead an armored invasion of Iraq and then dsimount and take it to the ground, I don't think it will happen.  Saddam will relent at the last minute because he got his bass kicked last time and knows that this time we won't stop the way the UN had wanted us to in 91.  I think that is enough for him to make up his mind.  

Yes friend, I would love to save the younger ones for the beautiful sunny days of the future but if we don't get them into it with us, none of us will see those days.  And I'll gladly take along any man, or woman, who would like to get into it.  We can call ourselves the First Volunteer Geriatric Brigade.  That should make them at least wonder.

Just remember:  I can control any mob with tear gas, and any riot with a machinegun.  This be Mikey.  

Oh, ps:  frogs butts ain't all that tight, at least not in the french army, or so I unnerstand.

Offline 1911crazy

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« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2003, 09:38:46 AM »
Hey Mikey the frogs butt is just like the clams @ss "water tight" just like our borders should be!!!                                    BigBill

Tighten up our borders and take care of ourselves the hell with the rest of the world. Tap the sun for "FREE POWER" and they can put the oil were the sun don't shine!!!! Hydrogen powered cars is a joke too it makes us just as dependent on it as oil lets go "SOLAR POWERED CARS" and forget about making big money profits and do something good for the world and the enviroment.

Offline dragthewaters

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« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2003, 01:10:16 PM »
homeland defence should be bettr than what it is, in my opinion, but saddam isnt going to fight with troops it will probably be chem/or biological. just how many troops does he have and how many would he have if korea helped him out?

as for age that you guys were talking about, i am only 15 now but when i turn eighteen and this stuff is still going on and they need soldiers, than i am going, and as for "home protection" i just have a remington model 1100 with a 28"inch barrel and i have 3 00buck sitting on the nite stand, and the reason for that is because i live about an hour away from chicago nad break ins are common, and my dad's too heavy of a sleeper to wake up :(  :)

Offline dragthewaters

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« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2003, 01:12:30 PM »
homeland defence should be bettr than what it is, in my opinion, but saddam isnt going to fight with troops it will probably be chem/or biological. just how many troops does he have and how many would he have if korea helped him out?

as for age that you guys were talking about, i am only 15 now but when i turn eighteen and this stuff is still going on and they need soldiers, than i am going, and as for "home protection" i just have a remington model 1100 with a 28"inch barrel and i have 3 00buck sitting on the nite stand, and the reason for that is because i live about an hour away from chicago nad break ins are common, and my dad's too heavy of a sleeper to wake up :(  :)