I have talked to several people over the last few days,many would like to join and use this forum.There is one major factor that keeps them from doing that,most view this site as a joke exchange first,and a trapping forum second.
I have also observed ,many members who joined this forum but have switched to others in there everyday use,most never to return.
So in order for me to continue moderating and sponsoring this forum,we are going to have to make some changes.
#1-This is a trapping forum,first and foremost.Lets keep the smart aleck comments and constant joking to a minimum.We have way to much trapping experience and knowledgeable members on here ,to turn this into nothing more than Comedy Central.
#2-I will try and post a topic of the day,to get things rolling.This is in no way the only subject to be entertained,but will be used as a springboard for participation.
#3-Those wishing for me to enter a certain days topic,please private message me,with your suggeations.I will then plan out new daily topics,and enter them as a new announcement.
#4-Remember,this is something to get things moving,please feel free to enter your own Questions and Ideas as you always have.
I know some of you will disagree on what I am doing,but that can't be helped.Something has to be done to get this forum moving in an upward direction.
Thank you, Tom