lloyd's bfr he's referring to came before they changed a number of things on materials and who produced cylinders and the guns themselves. they are greatly improved in the last 2 years or so i guess, maybe 3. i have a premier grade 83 454. in some instances it's too tight. it binds up and needs to be cleaned much more so than my bud's bfr. nothing is a freedom arms, nothing, but for me to have a pistol to shoot around with and hunt with open sights i'd say the bfr is the ticket. much better than a ruger imho and the diff. in accuracy is slight b/w that and the freedom arms. taffin tested a bfr .475 and it's accuracy was phenomenal and after corresponding with him i was told it was about as accurate as any gun he's ever fired. groups averaged well under an inch at 25 yards. i don't think many here on this board could differentiate a diff. in accuracy b/w .4, .6, and 1.0 inches at 25 yards. in a non scoped, hand held situation. i'd say, as a freedom arms owner, to get a bfr take the money you save and buy some bullets or go on a hunt and get shooting.