Author Topic: A few more photos from 2004  (Read 777 times)

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Offline JJHACK

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A few more photos from 2004
« on: June 19, 2004, 03:56:47 AM »
Here are a few more photos of the area we hunt. just some general info stuff and some amusing pictures.

Baby crock in a pond there were at least 50 in here a month ago but the big guys ate most of them!

A giraffe family group, the baby is just out of the photo

Ostrich head, she was about 20 feet away and not at all happy with us being there.

is an ostrich dangerous game? When they do this and you are within kicking distance you better believe they are!

I found a dead rhino and we picked up the bones to use for decorations and such near the lodge. I also have a few nice sections of bone for some knife handles!

The Kudu are clearly in the peak of the rut! My wife said this is like watching kudu porn.

One of our skinners sorting out a Blue wildebeast

Docile looking just now but this was seconds before the charge. I was just hoping everyone in the truck was hanging one when I hit the accelerator. That big cow was in no mood for photos!

This is a common hornbill. Anyone who has hunted in RSA will probably have this birds call burnind into thir memory for years after they return home!

Zebra and kudus visiting a "water hole" one evening

Offline longwinters

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A few more photos from 2004
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2004, 11:06:18 AM »
Thanks for sharing the pics.  Never get tired of seeing wildlife.  Especially of Africa.

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