Gentlemen, trappers, dudes, I was in the fourth grade, Mark Twain elementary school, Dallas Texas. Back in 1959, when a friend, Greg, came up to me in the hall between classes, and said. " Hack Hoonier!"
[Thats Jack Junior,] old Greg was always kinda snotty nosed.
"I know a guy who has three B.B. guns"
I was shocked! Three B.B. guns! We rode our bicycles over there after school and it was true! Old Randy has been my friend for 43 years! He taught me how to trap, cubbys were all we knew for years.
Shot my first bird with one of his old hand-me-down guns, a dove. I could see the BB as it went up, up, up, and hit the dove. It flopped down and Randy came over and pulled its head off! Yes, Randy was a different sort of guy from my other friends.
Caught my first possum in one of his old 1 1/2 's. 43 years ago.