Michigan Trappers Association 3rd Annual Novice Trapping Course
Waters Edge [property of Johanne and Jack Otteson]
Rose City, Ogemaw County, Michigan
Supported by Mid Michigan Independent Trappers
Northern Great Lakes Fur Harvesters
Jack Van Hoose Trapping Endowment
Course Dates; September 24-26, 2004
Pre-registration due; September 1, 2004
Attendees 20 maximum [first come first serve, organization affiliation is not pre-requisite] A responsible adult
must accompany youth under the age of 18. Adults are encouraged to participate in all aspects of course except; 1) setting traps Saturday night and 2) exam.
Cost Cost of course and materials: Cost to youth attendees $20, cost to responsible adult $20; adult
attendees [without youth] $40
Housing Responsibility of Participant
Primitive camping available on grounds [no charge]
Motel / Campground listing will be provided on request.
Meals Catered [included in cost]
Equipment [Some equipment will be available for use during the class; dont let lack of equipment be a deterrent to taking the class]
Participants should bring traps and trap setting equipment; Traps, sifters etc., hip boots or waders for water trapping [we have MDNR permission to set traps Saturday night - group will be split into teams, each team will set one land trap and water trap]
Participants should have Fur Harvester License prior to start of class, however the license is not a requirement for taking the class.
Ethics, Law
Wildlife Management
Equipment [Traps, snares, Tools, Attractors]
Basics of Fur Bearer Natural History
Trap preparation and trap setting [lecture and laboratory]
Fur Handling [lecture and laboratory]
Exam and course feedback
Instructors [all instructors will be DNR employees or DNR Certified Instructors]
Jack Otteson
Tom Oakey
Mark W Spencer
Mike Seelman
Tom Willis
DNR Biologist to be determined
DNR Conservation Officer to be determined
Large tent [20 x 30] for class room and meals
Tables and chairs
Portable toilets
For anyone that can make this District 8 is giving $10.00 to two lucky youths. But first they must write a explaination on why they would like to trap or why they enjoy trapping. Also I am personally giving $10.00 to one lucky youth for doing the same thing.
If you can attend and you are a youth just drop me a PM with your writings and we see if you win.