I still like the smell of blackpowder and the flash and the smoke. I enjoy being able to find where my friend shot his deer by using my nose. There is something about it that is part of me that won't let go. So I gotta deal with it.
What works best for cleaning up the mess?
How many shots can you take between cleanings? I used to just run a dry brush through every other shot, but the lower part of the bore still seemed to tighten up quite a bit after a dozen shots.
I read somewhere on this forum about mixing equal parts of Murphy's OIl Soap, peroxide, and alcohol to use as a cleaning solvent between shots. Does this work well? Sounds like something you could mix in a dish detergent bottle or maybe fill a deer pee squeeze bottle with for a trip to the range. Anyone use this formula?
Gotta go shoot now. I'll check back with you guys later.
Good luck hunting!