I don't think there is anything wrong with comparing revolvers (straight-wall cartridges) with the same type of cartridge in a Contender. The Contender can handle most straight wall cases well (with the exception of the higher pressure ones like the 454 Casuall).
Is a non-carbine class barrel 14 inches and under?
A barrel 14 inches or under that shoot straight-walled cartridges?
Even in a 10, 12, or 14 inch Contender barrel, the cartridge, twist, and bullet I mentioned is very close to what a 10, 12, or 14 inch barrel (in any cartridge) can do in an Encore.
I am comparing bottle neck cartridges here, not straight-wall.
In fact, it was never my intent to compare a bottle-neck cartridge to a straight-wall case in the first place.
Is a Contender's, Encores, Striker's, MOA's, and XP's a "shortened rifle" all the time?