from the bench.....i use homemade bags made from old blue jean legs. cut em to length, and fill with a finely ground plastic that i get where i work. sand..... corn cob media....rice, are other options.
i place 2 under the forearm, and one at the grip. i grip with a 2 hand hold, while kinnda resting my hands on the rear bag to keep from digging in with the grip during recoil. trigger squeeze is very important. just keep applying more, and more pressure till she goes a surprise. all the while...keeping the cross hairs on target, of course. :wink:
in hunting situations....i take along homemade cross shooting stix, made from fiberglass tent poles.
my preferred field use, if ranges will be shorter, is using a sling(attached at grip and forearm) to pack the handgun. the sling is just dandy to droop over your left elbow....apply outward pressure to steady up and pull off an offhand shot. all my TC handguns are 14"-15" barrels, and this works great for me. i'm amazed at how steady it really is. at least as steady as any offhand rifle. :shock: