I know that there was never a .25-'06 in the model 7! The action probably isn't long enough to eject empties! It is even shorter than the regular short action. I was wondering about the Roberts, and hadn't thought about the .250 Savage. It is just that they have them in .22-250, .243Win, 260Rem, .7mm-08, and .308Win, but not in .257, or .277. Wonder why they decided to skip those two?
I have a model 7 that I have aquired barrels for, in all but the .260. It will come, sooner or later. I just have a pile of 25 cal. bullets & need to have something to shoot them in. I figured the Roberts would work, or shorten a sporter weight .25-'06 up & rechamber to a .25-308 (25 Souper?). Prolly won't , though. That gets into the realm of "another rifle" pricing.
BTW, Paulie. A 20'' barrel on the .25-'06 isn't REALLY that bad. :eek:
I bought a 700 varmint special back in the 70s, that a silhouetter had chopped off & recrowned, trying to "make weight". I shot it for several years like that. Might have given up a bit of velocity to a 24", but it sure didn't lack any accuracy. I never set any fires with it either! :-D