HI guys i've been wanting a .32 cal muzzle loader for years and this summer i coned my best friend out of his rifle he built from scratch, he was having truobl ewith foweling, i had trouble at first but went looking for a new powder to try ,bear in mind that most of my muzzleloader are flint locks the one in particular is flint , i tryed all types of black powder propelents from goex, black elephant, wano,( expensive stuff) swiss( even more expensive than wano), then for giggles called coonies in newmexico and ordered a case of kik made in sloviania former comunist contry thsi stuff is real hot and burn real clean and is real inexpensive 7.50 a can, not only was it clean burning but tried it in my smith carbine and discoverd that i don't get ant lead fowling that i figuared would happen with faster burning black pwder, the stuff was real clean comming out of my .32 cal rifle one thing that will help yuo in keeping down fowling between shot strings is ti run a brass brush down the barrel and when it hits tha breach turn it a few revolutions and pull rod down threw bore with butt of rifle pointing to the sky,one other thing is to use a tight patch soaked in olive oil, and its cheaper than all those other productes out there, one other thing i like to use is wonder lube , after i claen my barrel
to treat it and it also helps as a rust preventative .
hope this helps some '