Author Topic: .32 or .36 Kentucky?  (Read 2128 times)

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Offline Peevie

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.32 or .36 Kentucky?
« on: November 24, 2002, 04:16:42 PM »
Just read the posts on the 36 cailbers and I was wondering which would be best between the 32 and 36 cal. for targets, squirrels, rabbits and the ocassional fox? I'm looking at one of the kits that Dixie Gun works has in 32 cal. which is one of the Kentucky rifles, but just not sure which will serve me the best. Another thing is I'd like to shoot conicals, but not sure if it's possible in the 32's. And, lastly who makes the best molds for pouring your own bullets?

Thanks in advance

Offline KING

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.32 or .36 kentucky
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2002, 05:49:13 PM »
:D I have a couple of the .32 cals..i use em for target and once in a while for squirrels and rabbits...i dont kknow of anyone making a conical for the .32 anymore.but i think that maybe buf. bull makes one for the .36...i only use rb in mine and have very good luck...lotsa fund to shoot

Offline Peevie

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.32 or .36 Kentucky?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2002, 02:58:11 AM »
What two rifles you have?.....I'm thinking about the Traditions Crocket rifle or the kit from Dixie. Do you get better accuracy from any one of the two you have?

Offline kevin

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.32 or .36 cal muzzle loader
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2002, 05:14:29 PM »
HI guys i've been wanting a .32 cal muzzle loader for years  and this summer i coned my best friend out of his  rifle he built from scratch, he was having truobl ewith foweling, i had trouble at first but went looking for a new powder to try ,bear in mind that most of my muzzleloader are flint locks  the one in particular is flint , i tryed all types of black powder propelents from goex, black elephant, wano,( expensive stuff) swiss( even more expensive than wano), then for giggles called coonies in newmexico and ordered a case of kik made in sloviania former comunist contry thsi stuff is real hot and burn real clean and is real inexpensive 7.50 a can, not only was it clean burning but tried it in my smith carbine and discoverd that i don't get ant lead fowling that i figuared would happen with faster burning black pwder, the stuff was real clean comming out of my .32 cal rifle one thing that will help yuo in keeping down fowling between shot strings is ti run a brass brush down the barrel and when it hits tha breach turn it a few revolutions and pull rod down threw bore with butt of rifle pointing to the sky,one other thing is to use a tight patch soaked in olive oil, and its cheaper than all those other productes out there, one other thing i like to use is wonder lube , after i claen my barrel
to treat it and it also helps as a rust preventative .
                                     hope this helps some '
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Offline Real Bow

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Tradition's Crockett in .32 cal.
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2002, 11:29:19 AM »
Santa (my wife!) has a Traditions Crockett under the CHRISTmas tree right now. I found it on for $175. Got lucky I suppose.

The connection I found for .32 cal conicals after a lot of research is the following link:

I sent Bruce $30 total and he shipped me over 650 110 grain .32 cal conical bullets!! They look as good as any bullets I have ever casted myself. I rekon they'll be the ticket for our Ohio foxes and coyotes as well as some big 'ol #15 groundhogs!!
If it must be good!

Offline fredj

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Re: .32 or .36 cal muzzle loader
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 12:37:56 PM »
[quotekik made in sloviania former comunist contry thsi stuff is real hot and burn real clean and is real inexpensive 7.50 a can, not only was it clean burning  kevin[/quote]

Kevin- I believe they've had a lot of problems selling the initial shipment
of KIK, initially it got great reviews for being really hot, fast and clean and
some of the BPCR shooters were very keen on it, then some of those guys
reported experiencing flyers no matter what they did. The Mad Monk said it wasn't polished enough, at any rate because of the consistent accuracy
problems they're still sitting on a bunch of the stuff and as it didn't sell as expected, you probably won't be able to get it in the future, so if you really like it and don't experience the flyers I'd order up a case now.
   WANO is back with an improved faster cleaner powder now called Schuetzen you might want to try that it'll be priced about the same as GOEX.
    I really like the Swiss in my flinters and smallbores I think one problem folks have with the Swiss is they use it the same way they've
been using rifle grade BP, the Swiss is Sporting grade so you need to use FFg Swiss if you've been using FFFg GOEX or Elephant etc and reduce the load by about 20% or so when it's used properly the Swiss is amazing stuff and IMHO well worth the premium price as there is virtually no lot to lot variation so you never need to work up your loads when you re-order BP, and you use considerably less powder to get the same velocities.

  I also started using LeHigh Valley patch lube a couple of years ago, it's amazing stuff, I've been able to shoot dirty with my .45 longrifle without any loss of acccuracy I do have to use the breech scraper every 7 or 8 shots.
Regards fredj