i have identified many, many types of flinching in shotgunning for mastering flintlock shotgun.. this is the big bear of flinch trouble, as one has to keep leading the moving target until the guns goes bang.. the key to stopping flinching is to identify where/when/why you are flinching to give you the way to stop it.. it is not simply mind over matter as the mind is second guessing your actions.. to solve this you need to nullify its mind caousing factor.. im sorry im makking this complicated which i seem to be famous for.. the best way for me to describve what im talking about is how i stop flinching that occurs on the trap range.. when im jerking the trigger or not getting my timing right i load 50- 100 rounds of colt .45 ammo and go out with three 8 inch steel plates and shoot them with a 4 5/8 inch barrelled cimmeron in colt .45 calliber with 7.5 grains of unique.. i shoot the three plates down cowboy action style.. this is two handed cock fire, cock fire, etc as fast as one can shoot.. this does not have any quick draw crap assosiated with it.. after shooting 25 rounds a morning for 3-5 days,, when i get out to the club my timing is down pat and it seems like im looking down the barrel of a field howetzer.. and the clays start clumbling again.. so find out what exactly is happening, and find the training tactic to lick it.. turning the head with a flintlock was also a big problem and that was soleved by wearing a face mask and glasses to shield the powder and rock blast to the face. when i got a new qualtiy gun the lock itself with a little leather overhang blocked this blast and i dont have to worry about this problem any more.. so figure out what is causing the problem, and pracitce the fix.. simple triggle pull problems can be worked out with a wall mart bb gun ,they have a terrible trigger,, but your mind doesnt know which gun your shooting when youv shot hundreds of bbs a day for a week, when you go out on sunday its totally fooled into thinking your shooting a bb gun.. the bb gun may be a good place to start with your problem.. good luck dave..