My first CAS shotgun was $199.00 from "Jumbo Sports" - still use it to this day.
First rifle was a Rossi .357 for $225.00 at the Dallas Gun Show. Sold it years ago, but it got me into the game.
First pistols were a Ruger Blackhawk for $189.00 from a Keller, TX Pawn Shop and a Ruger Blackhawk for $234.00 from a Sherman, TX Gun Shop.
Sure, I had to shoot Modern, but it got me into the game. (Are you kind of noticing a theme here?)
Hat, shirts, pants, boots were slapped together to make something abit "cowboy looking", but I was ready to go!
How many times have you spent $847.00 on something foolish that never really went anywhere? Cowboy Action Shooting is a whole lot of fun and probably less costly in the long run than golfing, racing, sailing, etc. (You pick the hobby.......)!.
I have progressed on over the years and have acquired the guns that I feel are perfect for me. I have upgraded quite abit, but to get started was......
NEITHER DIFFICULT NOR EXPENSIVE......It was just wanting to get in the game!!!!!