Author Topic: Should I Send My Frame In?  (Read 433 times)

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Offline Joe58

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Should I Send My Frame In?
« on: July 08, 2004, 04:13:40 AM »

Question for the Contender experts here.

I have a frame I've been using with a 16" Bullberry .22 Magnum barrel.

When I had the barrel off for cleaning yesterday, I noticed that the round middle insert thingy that surrounds the firing pins where they come through, is loose. It doesn't seem to want to fall out, but it protudes a bit and I can push it back in with my finger. I watched the barrel close up into the action and you can see the top of this piece (don't know what it is called officially) stick out at the top as the locking lugs slide by it as it closes.

Anyways....I think you get my other frames don't do this. So should I just shoot it till it falls out or send it in? As long as it is no big deal I don't mind so much, but is it more of a safety issue? It is an older frame.



Offline skb2706

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Should I Send My Frame In?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2004, 04:27:16 AM »
That loose part is called a firing pin bushing.......if you look from the hammer side down low there is a slotted screw holding it in place. If you remove the hammer you can get to this screw head and tighten it. If necessary you may want to put a very small drop of blue loctite on it to retain it. If the bushing gets to loose it will give you problems with locking and unlocking the gun.

Offline Joe58

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« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2004, 02:28:57 PM »
Thank you for the quick response and answer to my question!

Problem solved. :D


Offline Joe58

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More help needed
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2004, 04:19:45 AM »
Well, after reading the response to my question, I tried to tighten the screw up and discovered that the hammer is keeping me from being able to tighten it up snugly.

Do I need to remove the hammer to do this? And if so, if this a simple enough task. I haven't tried that before so I thought I wuold ask to see what it entails and how I will be able to screw it up.

Thanks again!

Joe :-D