Author Topic: bore cleaning concoction  (Read 588 times)

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Offline jjcoe

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bore cleaning concoction
« on: July 09, 2004, 06:15:02 PM »
This may sound like a crazy post, but here goes.  While cleaning my Finnish M-N the other night, I ran out of bore cleaner.  The store was closed, so I mixed a concoction of Permatex hand cleaner, similar to Go-Jo (by the way, it contains ammonia) with some house hold ammonia 50/50.  This made for a gel type cleaner that seemed to work well in removing the powder residue and the copper fouling (better than the store bought stuff).  I was wanting an opinion from someone with more intelligence than myself about if this would damage the bore or if this is a dumb move to start with.  I hope I haven't come across as too crazy, but this seems to work very well and is cheap to make.  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Offline gunnut69

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bore cleaning concoction
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2004, 07:29:26 AM »
I would recommend the same warning used with most ammonia containing bore cleaners. If left in the bore for an extended period of time there may be damage..  Way back yonder in the 70's when black powder shooting was starting out yet we discovered that for cleaning in the field the best cleaner one could find was the cheapest brands of window cleaner.  They contained the water needed to cut the salts out of the bore and ammonia to cut throught any oil or grease left in the bore.. plus it was cheap. I still use it for expediant cleaning, using hot soapy water only at the end of the season or when getting ready to store one for a while.
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Offline smoji

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bore cleaning concoction
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2004, 04:24:13 PM »
Don't mean to appear flippant here, but when you are devising new concoctions with "active" ingredients, write down a complete chronology of your activities so that the paramedics or the E.R. people will have something to work with when you are found unconscious at the bench some day.
As an example, I use potassium permanganate dissolved in water for a stain for wood.
Since the water causes a certain amount of grain raising and I know that alcohol doesn't, I questioned a friend with a chemical background about the possibility of using the alcohol instead of water for the solution. According to him this would likely produce an unstable explosive similar in character to rocket fuel. I didn't try to disprove his assessment.
Ammonia is an "active" ingredient and extremely toxic to humans and it would be wise to research its compatibility with anything you plan to mix with it.

Offline gunnut69

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bore cleaning concoction
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2004, 08:00:53 PM »
You are correct in your concerns but its quite a ways from ammonia to potassium permanganate(sp.).  NOte-- I too used PP for staining curly maple. Combined with an application of nitric acid and chromium Trioxide you get a beatiful color. Don't for any reason mix the solutions!! Just a sequencial application.  JJCOE was OK here because the hand lceaner alrady contained ammonia, so all he did by adding the 50/50 household ammonia was to step un the levels of active ingrediants.  The water is whats really needed to cut through the salts created by the black powder. The ammonias main purpose is to dissolve the greases and oils to allow the water access to the salt.  Your warning is noted however, one should never just start mixing chemicals ithout knowing the outcome, it might be a bit to hot for comfort!
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Offline jjcoe

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bore cleaning concoction
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2004, 09:10:57 AM »

Thanks for the concern.  I was careful to read the ingredients on the container.  Since the cleaner already contained ammonia, I just upped the level.  The reason I thought about using the hand cleaner is that an antiques dealer in my area suggested using it to clean gun stocks on milsurp guns.  Apparently, many antique shops use the stuff to clean off years of wax and gunk on the furniture.  It has worked well cleaning the cosmoline off several of my M-N rifles.  One thing I liked about the concoction is the thickness of the stuff.  Sticks to patches and the bore well.  

The point is well taken,  not mixing chemicals you are unsure of without researching.  BTW, I am a veterinarian, had to have 6 courses in chem. and 3 pharmacology classes where I learned a lot about chemicals and reactions.  Again your concern is well taken. :grin:

Offline gunnut69

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bore cleaning concoction
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2004, 09:49:24 PM »
If it cleans up cosmoline it a real benefit to humanity!!  I'll give it a try.
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"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."