Author Topic: PMC .44 Mag Truncated Soft Point ammo  (Read 359 times)

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Offline mikemayberry

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PMC .44 Mag Truncated Soft Point ammo
« on: July 10, 2004, 04:16:07 PM »
Has anyone shot this 240 gr. TR-SP round?  It shot well for me today and I find myself wondering how it would work as a hog and deer round in the .44 mag.

PMC's website says it's a great hunting round but doesn't give much detail.  It has a very shallow cup on the front end and I guess would expand well given the "soft" point.

My guess is it would be great for hogs (denser body) but might not open fully on a deer unless you hit the shoulder.  This is only speculation and I am hoping some of you have shot it and can give a more significant experience.


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