I don't think it is how thr receiving computer is set but rather how the computer that sends the picture is set. Somewhere on this site Mr. GB himself has asked that pictures sent in should be of a certain maximum size (xxx times xxx?) or just the problem you describe will occur. He states it has to do with the setup of this site also. If I do locate that reference I will advise....<><.... :grin:
OK, here is what I have found...Scroll down to the "Help and Announcements" section, then click on the first subsection, "Questions about Forums" . About the 13th entry down, dated 4/23/04 and entitled, "Hey Matt, Some of the Forums come out to wide"...Read this and perhaps the problem will be solved. I am not what would be considered "computer literate" but it seems it is either a a picture being sent to large or your own computer being set to to small a size. My computer is set according to what Mr. GB and Matt think is sufficient and correct but some pictures are still to wide and cause the problems mentioned, therefore those problems are caused by the senders comouter being set larger than MR. GB and Matt request for this forum...read it and decide for yourself where your particular problem lies.