Thanks for the advice all of you. A lot of you mentioned things like my age, certain laws, and hunter's safety course, sorry I forgot to include that stuff. Well, I know that it's illegal for me to purchase a rifle or shotgun until I'm 18, and a pistol until I'm 21. I didn't say what state I live in because this is the internet and anyone can see what I post, but it is legal for me to hunt alone in my state. I do turn 18 in a few months, and I'm just wanting to get some ideas on what types of Mil. Surp. rifles might be good for hunting. I took my Hunter's Ed. course a few years ago and have been hunting with my grandpa since I could walk to the woods with him(although I didn't carry a gun until I was around 13). As of now, I've only used a 12ga.(primarily an NEF single shot) for about all my hunting, and recently started using a 22LR(Marlin model 60). Both are good guns, but this year I want to start using a rifle for deer hunting so I can have more of a range. This being my first time using a high caliber rifle, my grandpa would have it no other way than under his supervision. I had considered buying his Japanese WWII rifle off of him to deer hunt with, but was looking for something else that I wouldn't have to be so careful with. I know he had used it for deer hunting for a few years, so I know it's safe, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be one for a collector(I'll have it checked out first just in case though) as it had some things broken on it and replaced with parts from other guns(the sights are what I can remember, but a few other things too) before he bought it and it's just not in that good of shape, looks-wise that is, although he does have another one like it, and if it still had it's bolt, it would make a nice collectors item, as would a couple other guns he owns. Some of you also talked about ammunition. I think now I have an idea of what to look for, and I may just end up using one of my grandpa's rifles to start off with(not a war rifle, something like a Winchester.30-06), although I do plan to look around for one to buy later on, when it's legal for me to do so, and was just wanting to get some ideas. Thanks for the advice, and the concern too. I'll make sure to let you know what I decide to do in a few months and hope I can get more advice along the way. Thanks again.